Michael Hart of Project Gutenberg, wrote a provocative answer to Willard’s question (Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 21, No. 495) about the “killer-app” of digital humanities that I reproduce here verbatim:
True, you can’t convince the skeptics. . .you still can’t say that digitial music has wiped out analog music because a few places still make analog records which are really better, not that a true skeptic needs those last few words.
Even when there are more eBooks than paper books, no way.
Even when there are 100 times as many eBooks, not happening.
It’s not going to matter what they SAY about eBooks, reality is going in that direction and paper books will never reverse that trend, simply because you can /OWN/ MILLIONS OF eBOOKS IN A TERABYTE DRIVE [costing under $200].
Before Gutenberg the average person could own zero books.
Before Project Gutenberg an average person could own 0 libraries.
It’s literally as simple as that.
The cost/benefit ratio for eBooks is too much better than paper.
Is he right?