zeroglab nanofestival is a miniature portable festival of very short (10 second) digiVids. They use a Creative Commons license to let the whole festival be taken up for free.
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A comment to a note on Annotations had an intriguing comment by Seb who has a blog at I went there, and, because the server was busy it dropped me into the site which provides simple service where people can get a short url created that resolves to their longer url. Thus resolves to something entirely different. (Thanks Seb – this is the second note with something I have learned from him.)
See notlong Short URL Redirection: Make a long URL notlong. This suggests one could create a long term url that would travel with you like a life phone number. (What would I do with all my stuff at Mac if I left?)
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Network Fragments, Analysis of E-Mail
One emerging form of structured text analysis is the analysis of large corpora of e-mail. See Social Network Fragments and InFlow and Email Datamining. Both projects create visualizations of networks much as Steve Ramsay does with StageGraph.
An interesting question for TAPoR is whether we can build an aggregator that can build a corpus from e-mail that could be used by other tools.
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Research and SSHRC
I am the campus rep for the SSHRC Trasnformation exercise. (See my blog at Transforming Knowledge. Here is a flyer that was designed for the discussions here at Mac. (Download file) It is an example of how I am trying to move away from PowerPoint presentations following Tufte, “Cognitive Style of PowerPoint”. A well designed handout really works better (but it costs more.)
Linguistica Annotation
Linguistic Annotation is a list of tools and formats for annotating and studying linguistic features. Included are things like TEI and Multitext. We need to review these tools against what we hope to have on TAPoR.
Annotating Web Pages, Survey
A Survey of Web Annotation Systems is a good short review of various systems for annotating web pages. The question I have is whether blogs are a type of web annotation that organizes around the annotation rather than the site?
POST VIDEO ART | Video Art & Experimental Films Video Streaming is a site dedicated to video art. It has lists of festivals (for 2003?), lists of galleries, and posted works. The interface scrolls right rather than down as if an opening CD insert. You can submit works.
Christmas Crackers and Blogs
BBC Arts – Books – Christmas Cracker – Stale Pudding is a site about Christmas Crackers as collections of readings. My father used to get personally printed Christmas Crackers books which contained the most wonderful collection of excerpts of readings. Blogs (at least the good ones) bring that tradition to the net.
Audio Blogs: audblog
audblog : sounding out is a service for which you play that allows you to add to your blog audio entries entered from a phone (anywhere.) For $3 a month you can record from a phone up to 12 four minute audio blog entries a month. The audio (I think) is stored on their server, but the system enters a blog entry in your blog if it is supported. (Movable Type is!)
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ambientTV and The Spy School
: : : a m b i e n t t v . n e t : : : is home to interesting video and surveillance projects. See The Spy School, especially exercise # 4 which uses CCTV cameras. With streaming one could imagine interesting live performances around cameras.
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