A Manifesto for the Humanities

The Chronicle: 2/13/2004: A Manifesto for the Humanities in a Technological Age is a short essay on the importance of the Humanities. It reminds me of the Martha Piper lecture, but comes from an American liberal arts perspective. At times it sounds like a rehash of Cardinal Newman on the liberal and servile arts.
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VOG: Video Blogs

How can we use streaming media? Most uses of streaming media are remediations of existing video like trailers online or streamed lectures. Who is trying to find a way to use streaming media in an original way?

Adrian Miles has a VOG or Video Blog (see videoblog::vog 2.0) that “is not streaming video” yet uses the technology in an appropriate way. (I would say his VOG is new streaming media, as opposed to remediated video.) Check out how he theorizes it.
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Ethics in MUDs

Do online multiplayer games raise ethical issues?

We think of games as places free of ethics because they are isolated from the “real” world. Instead of ethics we have concepts like “fair play”. You don’t try to behave ethically in a game, but you are called upon to follow the rules and not cheat.

Lev Grossman has a good article on the ethical questions raised by games like Ultima that slip into becoming worlds for virtual living. See The Village Voice: Machine Age: Bloody Ethics by Lev Grossman.

Streaming Media

How can we use streaming media on the web?

There isn’t a lot out there on streaming media. A good site on the technology is CITES EdTech: Help Resources – Multimedia and Graphics which has annotated links to useful documents. But who is theorizing how this can be used? Is it just video delivered over the web? or can we do new things with it?

Does anyone have links to suggest?
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