Hacking Memes looks like a good article on counteracting marketing memes.
Beyond Portals
Beyond Portals and Gifts is an article in First Monday about the problem of aggregation and gift economies.
Possible Tools
The following are possible tools for Tapor Tools Prototype. The idea is to create tools that help summarize texts like TEI tagged texts in visual or literal ways.
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Why War? and Computer Voting Machines
Why War? is a web site by students at Swathmore on issues around peace and democracy. They recently posted information from a Diebold list that documented the problems of Diebold computer based voting machines. Makes me worried about democracy. Diebold is now suing use the DCMA and has spooked Swathmore and MIT into blocking the information.
Iraq & Peace in the World
EUROPA – Public Opinion analysis – Home Page includes a link to the PDF of the report on “Iraq & Peace in the World”. While parts of the report were covered in the press what was missed was the Europeans think the US is on par with Iran and North Korea when it comes to countries that are a threat to peace. Why is that?
Color Music
iota – Linksis a collection of links related to the issue of music colour or abstract cinema. This goes back to the 18th century with experiments on color organs that played colours rather than sound. It is an interesting history that tied to transcoding. I believe Diderot was inspired by it.
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More on Judy and Theory
HUMANIST archives — October 2003 (#65) is Willard’s response to my post on theory. (See earlier blog entry on Judy the Robot and Theory.)
I want to argue that a computer model can be a theory the way a book can be. Otherwise we have a problem of where and what theories are.
What follows is a post I sent in response.
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Judy the Robot and Theory
My Dinner With Android is the site of Tom Sgouros’ performance “Judy -or- What Is It Like To Be A Robot?”. This excellent performance raises questions about artificial intelligence and consciousness. I loved how the script of the performance became part of the issue.
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Progress Quest, RPG
Flak Magazine: Baking a Progress Quest, 12-17-02 is an article about the game Progress Quest which satirizes RPGs. You run it, you chose your character, and then it just runs a story that never ends.
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Go West – Immigration Video Game
“Go West” is a game by Gentian Shkurti that is about escaping Albania to emmigrate to Italy. It looks like a first person shooter that calls into question certain issues.
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