Kate Taylor on Massive Change

Kate Taylor in this Saturday’s The Globe and Mail has a column on Bruce Mau’s show at the AGO. The column titled, “Why Massive Change feels minor league” (R4, March 12, 2005) points out what I noticed about the web site months ago – the show is really a student project by students in a special vanity COOP design program, Institute without Boundaries. (See my blog entry on the site, Mau: Massive Change and Overrated Sight.)
Of course, it is easy to grump. Now that the program is in Toronto I should go down and see for myself.

PressThink’s Top Ten Ideas for 2004

Jay Rosen’s blog on the press and media has a nice entry on PressThink’s Top Ten Ideas for 2004. The top ten ideas are:

1. The Legacy Media.
2. He said, she said, we said.
3. What the printing press did to the Catholic Church the blogging press does to the media church.
4. Open Source Journalism, or: "My readers know more than I do."
5. News turns from a lecture to a conversation.
6. "Content will be more important than its container."
7. "What once was good–or good enough–no longer is."
8. "The victory of affinity over geography."
9. The Pajamahadeen.
10. The Reality-Based Community.

There are explanations or links to blog entries that explain these. It is a great way to summarize a year of ideas. More generally Rosen’s blog does a good job of linking to highlights of ideas and short essays. His blog seems a good example of a blog made up of short essays rather than just links.