Wired News: Exhibit Features Viruses as Art is a story about an art exhibit about and with viruses that is being mounted at Brown. It was first presented in 2002 in Germany and has been updated. The Wired story (by Michelle Delio, Aug. 27, 2004) has images and screen dumps. Many of the works seems to play off the “I Love You” virus, called the “computer virus family’s first media stars” by curator Franziska Nori.
Visitors to the exhibit will get a close-up view of the trouble a malicious virus writer can cause. One section of the show, dubbed "The Zoo," will feature a dozen non-networked terminals that visitors can infect with an assortment of viruses in order to observe what malware does.
This is from Matt Patey.
The site for the show itself is at, digitalcraft.org – Kulturb¸ro.