John Maeda gave the opening talk at the ACH in Georgia. His work on small interactive art works, so of which play with type, seems to have been some of the earliest stuff of its kind.
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Code Poetry – John Cayley
John Cayley (see P=R=O=G=R=A=M=M=A=T=O=L=O=G=Y) was mentioned by Marie-Laure Ryan in her ACH keynote about metalepsis.
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Slide Show Experiments
I am experimenting with Web slide shows or image albums. See here. The idea is to try different ways of using digital images and text together in a photographic essay.
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Exteme Programming
What is Extreme Programming? XP is a practice for programming that is social and iterative. It seems to run counter to traditional advice about how to programme and seems closer to real practice.
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McLuhan on Comics
Steve Ramsay quote from McLuhan on Computer Games
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Knowledge Consumption 2
What is the relationship between knowledge consumption, advertising and knowledge production?
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Gender and EverQuest
This story from the New Scientist reports on a study that male avatars on EverQuest sold more than female avatars, even taking in consideration equal characteristics.
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Knowledge Consumption Paradox
Knowledge workers who manipulate sybols are the easiest to manipulate to consume symbols.
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Poster and the Matter with the Internet
Mark Poster – University of California, Irvine has a book out on _What’s the Matter with the Internet_.
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Web Essay on Circus
My first attempt at a Web Photo essay can be seen at The Circus: Essay by G. Rockwell.
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