Malcolm McCullough is the author of Abstracting Craft (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996) a great book on craft in the digital age.
Pansophica is software that searches the web and generates an interactive visualization of the words and the pages.
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War Against Grammar
The War against Grammar is an essay by David Mulroy, but is also the name of a book by Mulroy (Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH, 2003?) in which he documents how grammar was driven out of the curriculum and what can be done about it.
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Interaction Design, Winograd
From Computing Machinery to Interaction Design is an article by Terry Winograd that appeared in Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing. In it he points out how we have gone from computing as calculation to computing as communication and media.
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Graffiti Archaeology
graffiti archaeology is a brilliant site done is Flash that allows you to navigate different moments in the sam wall as painted by graffiti artists. It has a nice timeline feature, and a great way of representing the collage of images that make up a wall along with what has changed over time.
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Automatic Translation
The Language Tools that Google offers now can allow one to surf a site translated. See Video Pool. They have links on their home page that will show you the site translated into other language.
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Slide Shows with Javascript
Dynamic Drive- Image Slide Shows is a set of different ways to do slideshows with Javascript. Some cool examples.
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Googlism is a term coined by a site that uses Google to gather information about people, places, and events. You enter a word and it returns selected phrases that describe that person. This strikes me as an example of smart text analysis and aggregation.
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3D Timelines
Temporal Modelling is a project led by Johanna Drucker looking at ways to model time. At McMaster we are getting some 3D environments and visualization expertise and I would like to try developing a 3D time visualization environment.
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Matrix Timeline
History Matrix is a massive timeline project by Shiralee Saul. It weaves all sorts of timelines together into a matrix of events. It is not complete and there are parts that don’t work, but it is ambitious and thought provoking.