Network Fragments, Analysis of E-Mail

One emerging form of structured text analysis is the analysis of large corpora of e-mail. See Social Network Fragments and InFlow and Email Datamining. Both projects create visualizations of networks much as Steve Ramsay does with StageGraph.

An interesting question for TAPoR is whether we can build an aggregator that can build a corpus from e-mail that could be used by other tools.
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Research and SSHRC

I am the campus rep for the SSHRC Trasnformation exercise. (See my blog at Transforming Knowledge. Here is a flyer that was designed for the discussions here at Mac. (Download file) It is an example of how I am trying to move away from PowerPoint presentations following Tufte, “Cognitive Style of PowerPoint”. A well designed handout really works better (but it costs more.)

Audio Blogs: audblog

audblog : sounding out is a service for which you play that allows you to add to your blog audio entries entered from a phone (anywhere.) For $3 a month you can record from a phone up to 12 four minute audio blog entries a month. The audio (I think) is stored on their server, but the system enters a blog entry in your blog if it is supported. (Movable Type is!)
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