The vOICe Sonification Applet – Draw your own Sound. The vOICe Sonification Applet makes sound out of an image. It allows you to draw on a grid and hear the sound pattern.
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Piper Killam Lecture
Martha Piper gave an important Killam lecture called Building a Civil Society: A New Role for the Human Sciences.
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What is a Weblog?
Dave Winer (of Userland) has written a piece on What makes a weblog a weblog?
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Keyword Visualization
Visualizing Keyword Distribution Across Multidisciplinary C-Space is an interesting article on using VisualNet to visualize available titles in a library.
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konspire2b, described here in a slashdot post,A Blog With Unlimited Bandwidth (Beta 1.2), is a peer to peer blog with possibilities for distributed archiving.
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MERLOT at is a instructional technology review site. It might be a model for peer review of tools. It seems to run on a collaborative model where members review each other’s materials.
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Digital Arts Centre
A new digital arts centre has opened in Montral. See SociÈtÈ des arts technologiquesSAT.
Next Episode
Finished another book from the Canada Reads, Hubert Aquin’s Next Episode. Not sure it is that good. While it has the type of dense allusive prose that can impress people and it deals in an interesting way with Quebec seperatism and terrorism, it was a pain to read. At some point the story wasn’t interesting and characters became codes without much depth.
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Barton Street
How would I capture and portray the experience of driving down Barton street on a sunny afternoon. The decayed buildings, the people, the moving tableau.
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Web Essays
I am trying to come up with designs for Web Essays. These are based on digital photos I have taken. What is the best way to display them? How does text work with them?
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