Exercises in Style: Potential Comics

exercisesinstyle.com is a collection of comic exercises inspired by Queneau. It came out of the 1992 founding of OuBaPo (Ouvroir de la Bande DessinĂˆe Potentielle ) which in turn was inspired by OuLiPo. Neat.

Here is a quote from the About page:

Exercises in Style was inspired by a work of the same name by the French writer Raymond Queneau. In that book, Queneau spun 99 variations out of a mundane, two-part text about two chance encounters with a mildly irritating character during the course of a day. He started by telling it in every conceivable tense, then by doing it in free verse and as a sonnet, as a telegram, in pig latin, as a series of exclamations, in an indifferent voice… you name it.