VOG: Video Blogs

How can we use streaming media? Most uses of streaming media are remediations of existing video like trailers online or streamed lectures. Who is trying to find a way to use streaming media in an original way?

Adrian Miles has a VOG or Video Blog (see videoblog::vog 2.0) that “is not streaming video” yet uses the technology in an appropriate way. (I would say his VOG is new streaming media, as opposed to remediated video.) Check out how he theorizes it.

Here is a quote from Adrian’s VOG:

“A vog respects bandwidth. A vog is not streaming video (this is not the reinvention of television). A vog uses performative video and/or audio. A vog is personal. A vog uses available technology. a vog experiments with writerly video and audio. A vog lies between writing and the televisual. A vog explores the proximate distance of words and moving media. A vog is dziga vertov with a mac and a modem. A vog is a video blog where video in a blog must be more than video in a blog. ”

I love “vogma”!

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