Research/Creation: State of the Art

I am presenting on the 19th at the Ontario College of Art and Design on the SSHRC /Research/Creation Grants in Fine Arts with Craig McNaughton, the program officer. It should be an interesting discussion about the pragmatics of research/creation which is an emerging concept for the sort of hybrid research and art that many of us do.
In an earlier post on Research Creation I talked about what I think are the primary criteria. Also of interest are issues around Ethics and Art

Research/Creation: State of the Art

A presentation by:
Craig McNaughton
Senior Program Officer, Strategic Programs
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)


Geoffrey Rockwell
Associate Professor of Humanities Computing and Multimedia and Acting Chair of the Department of Communication Studies and Multimedia, McMaster University;
Past Member of the Adjudication Committee, SSHRC Research/Creation Grants

Thursday January 19, 2006
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Ontario College of Art and Design
100 McCaul Street
Room 284

N.B. Because of space considerations, please confirm attendance by January 17
to Angie Griffith:; 416-977-6000 x 427

The SSHRC Research/Creation Grants in the Fine Arts is a pilot program that aims to support and develop excellence in research in artistic disciplines, providing support for up to three years to adjunct, part-time, sessional and emeritus faculty as well as university-employed curators whose work involves research, the creation of works of art, and the training of undergraduate and/or graduate students. Successful candidates receive up to $100,000 per annum, but totalling not more than $250,000 in a three-year period.

Craig McNaughton will address the notion of research/creation in terms of program definition, evolution in peer emphasis as reflected in relevance decisions, and in empirical terms, based on successful applications. Geoffrey Rockwell will address the pragmatic aspects of the grant including how to fill out the forms, how to build a team, what budget items are eligible, and what happens once your proposal is submitted.

For information on the grant:

Craig McNaughton has been with SSHRC since 2000. He is currently a Senior Program Officer with Strategic Programs, responsible for the Council’s pilot programs in Research/Creation and Aboriginal Research. Previously he managed Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies in the Standard Research Grants program.

Geoffrey Rockwell is Associate Professor of Humanities Computing and Multimedia, and Acting Chair of the Department of Communication Studies and Multimedia, McMaster University. He is currently the project leader for the CFI (Canadian Foundation for Innovation) funded project TAPoR, a text analysis portal for research. He is the author of Defining Dialogue: From Socrates to the Internet.