Finished another book from the Canada Reads, Hubert Aquin’s Next Episode. Not sure it is that good. While it has the type of dense allusive prose that can impress people and it deals in an interesting way with Quebec seperatism and terrorism, it was a pain to read. At some point the story wasn’t interesting and characters became codes without much depth.
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Barton Street
How would I capture and portray the experience of driving down Barton street on a sunny afternoon. The decayed buildings, the people, the moving tableau.
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Web Essays
I am trying to come up with designs for Web Essays. These are based on digital photos I have taken. What is the best way to display them? How does text work with them?
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Peer Review Blogs for TT.Online
Can we imagine a form of peer-review bloglets on focused themes for fixed durations that would be around multimedia and humanities computing? Here is the idea I put to Steve.
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The coolest toy environment is Konfabulator – Widget Workshop. This allows you to make widgets in xml and javascript for your Mac OS X. The little widgets are toy programs that do something simple like an analogue clock or a to do list.
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Best of Creative Computing
The Best of Creative Computing were magazine/book collections of articles on computing and culture from 1976 – 7. There are articles on computer art, AI, computer poetry and so on. It has a Computer Lib feeling. Both volume 1 and 2 are scanned in at: At this site there are also full scans of other early computing books.
Online Game Lit
There is a great companion to the piece on “Ethics and Video Games” by Justin Hall on A Survey of Game Writing Online at
Ethics of Game Journalism
Great article on Ethics in Video Game Journalism at
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Intersections of Math and Multimedia
The following are some intersections of mathematics, computer science, philosophy and multimedia.
1. Descartes and Analytical Geometry
2. Frege and Russell – the intersection of logic and philosophy of mathematics
3. Turing’s solution of the Halting Problem
4. von Neuman and Game Theory
5. Euler, Graph Theory and the Semantic Web
6. Set theory, Kleene and Regular Expressions
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These are research notes.