Christian Bˆk Eunoia Toronto: Coach House Books,, 2001 is a book with Oulipian experiments. Eunoia is written with a chapter for each vowel. Each chapter works within constraints, one of which is to use all words that only use that vowel. The chapters also begin with something about writing. There is a Flash version of the Chapter on E online along with the full text of the other chapters.
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Category: Playful or Cool
Radiohead Pictures
H A I L T O T H E T H I E F is a page in the site where they have some neat word orientied shows done in Flash. The “89 instances of LA” is a series of found texts that flash by. The last one “No Way out” is intriguing – it is a black box navigating like a car around a Mondrian cityscape while words flash below.
Code Poetry – John Cayley
John Cayley (see P=R=O=G=R=A=M=M=A=T=O=L=O=G=Y) was mentioned by Marie-Laure Ryan in her ACH keynote about metalepsis.
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The vOICe Sonification Applet – Draw your own Sound. The vOICe Sonification Applet makes sound out of an image. It allows you to draw on a grid and hear the sound pattern.
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The coolest toy environment is Konfabulator – Widget Workshop. This allows you to make widgets in xml and javascript for your Mac OS X. The little widgets are toy programs that do something simple like an analogue clock or a to do list.
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