Go West – Immigration Video Game

“Go West” is a game by Gentian Shkurti that is about escaping Albania to emmigrate to Italy. It looks like a first person shooter that calls into question certain issues.

Here is a link to a collective that has some similarity to the the Ivanhoe project.


“Born in Italy in 2000 and based in Barcelona
(Spain) since late 2001, d-i-n-a is a small collective whose purpose is to foster public debate
about strategies of real intervention in the current techno-mediascape,
with a special focus on digital communication media and their
influence on the technological life of people.

Encouraging informal style presentations
and a direct and pop approach to
complex matters, we aim to bridge the gap between creators
and the public, and between collectives or individual artists
apparently belonging to distant fields.

As artists, activists, writers and “networkers”,
we are more attracted by cross-pollination between practices
rather than ephemeral trends within limited fields. Instead
of simply mirroring fashions, d-i-n-a
underlines links between successful tactics
and ideas, especially when developed in different corners
of contemporary digital cultures. ”

In particular my attention was drawn to a game called “Go West” in which one is an Albanian trying to emigrate to Italy. http://www.d-i-n-a.net/en/metagallery/shkurti.html