Topics in the Digital Humanities

Topics in the Digital Humanities is a new book series that Susan Schreibman has announced on various lists. The series will be edited by Ray Siemens and Susan Schriebman and it will be published by the University of Illinois Press.

From the announcement:

The University of Illinois Press is pleased to announce a new book series, ìTopics in the Digital Humanities,î under the general editorship of Susan Schriebman and Ray Siemens.
Series Rationale and Description:

The incorporation of computational methods into the humanities does more than speed task work. Computers change the nature of tasks that can be imagined and performed. New questions can be asked, and must be asked, new research methods and tools have appeared, new methods for teaching and publication have proliferated, expectations about skills have evolved, and library purchases have shifted dramatically.

Humanities computing is undergoing a redefinition of basic principles by a continuous influx of new, vibrant, and diverse communities of practitioners within and well beyond the halls of academe. These practitioners recognize the value computers add to their work, that the computer itself remains an instrument subject to continual innovation, and that competition within many disciplines requires scholars to become and remain current with what computers can do.

ìTopics in the Digital Humanities,î invites manuscripts that will advance and deepen knowledge and activity in this new and innovative field.
Prospectus Submission:

ìTopics in the Digital Humanities,î is accepting proposals for monographs and co-authored works that directly serve the community of those engaging with humanities computing tools and methodologies. Polemics and collections of essays are not encouraged. Preparation and submission guidelines are available at Proposals may be submitted to the series editors.