import random

Stephen Ramsay sent me one of my first Python programs that I wrote in response to his telling me about Perl poems. No doubt I was also influenced by Jerry McGann and his ideas on deformation.


import random

def Random_Means(Words):
    return random.randrange(len(Words))

How_Much = ["How much", "All", "Some", "Every", "The", "No"]
Of_What = ["interpretation", "rhetoric", "fiction", "fabrication",
Could_Be = ["could be", "was", "is", "will be", "would be"]
At_End = [".", "!", "?"]

All = Of_What[Random_Means(Of_What)]
Interpretation = Could_Be[Random_Means(Could_Be)]
Is = How_Much[Random_Means(How_Much)]
Just = Of_What[Random_Means(Of_What)]
Deformation = At_End[Random_Means(At_End)]

print Is + " " + All + " " + Interpretation + " " + Just + Deformation #?

This playful exercise then led to Untitled #4 which led to our dialogue with the same name which led to the Animation!