When I was showing students the Nielsen F-Pattern Alertbox one of them pointed me to Crazy Egg ‚Äì visualize your visitors – a neat service that watches user’s clicks on your pages and then shows you the results in overlays like the heatmap example here.
Category: Interface Design and Usability
Nielsen: F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content
There is an F-Shaped Pattern to the way users read the web according to one of Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox columns on usability. The Alertbox reports on a study that used eye tracking to see where users looked on a web page.
The study has implications for writing for the web if Nielsen is right that viewers typically scan a page in an “F” pattern where they scan a couple times horizontally and then vertically down.
LeCielEtBleu: Flash puppets, music and toys
lecielestbleu.com has an amazing collection of Flash puppets, musical toys, and interactive art toys online. It includes a music piping toy, P?¢te ?† Son where you pipe a flow of baubles that make music when they hit devices. They also have an amazing Puppet Tool where you can animate a puppet of a horse, or other being.
RAMAC and Interactivity: Pictorial History of Media Technology
Pictorial History of Media Technology is a slide show history of computing and media, especially video technology. It is on a site dedicated to “Capacitance Electronic Discs or CED’s, a consumer video format on grooved vinyl discs that was marketed by RCA in the 1980’s.” The slide show has pictures of the IBM 305 RAMAC Computer with what was the first disk drive in production. What’s so important about the RAMAC?
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum in a blog entry on An Excerpt from Mechanisms, Professor RAMAC and in an article for Text Technology, Extreme Inscription: Towards a Grammatology of the Hard Drive, argues that,
Magnetic disk media, more specifically the hard disk drive, was to become that technology and, as much as bitmapped-GUIs and the mouse, usher in a new era of interactive, real-time computing.
Krischenbaum is right that interactivity wouldn’t be possible without random access memory and he takes this in an interesting direction around inscription. I look forward to his book.
Digital Ethnography: Know Ourselves
How can digital communication tools extend research? Digital Ethnography is a catchy idea for doing cheap ethnography where rather than embedding the researcher into the community, the participants use digital cameras, cell phones, and the web to document and send in their impressions. The idea, as described by Davis Masten and Tim Plowman of Cheskin
Strategic Consulting and Market Research, seems half fulfilled. The real potential of digital communication is for communities to understand themselves through ethnography. Suppose volunteers in a community documents facets of their experience AND interpreted it together?
Brenda Laurel: Design Research
Can research inform creativity? On Thursday I went to a talk by Brenda Laurel on Design Research. Some of what she says about design research is covered in the online paper, New Players, New Games. What I liked is the humanism and idealism of her approach, both for teaching and research/creation. “Market research tells you how to sell something. Design research shows you what to make” in the first place.
Continue reading Brenda Laurel: Design Research
Brain Pong
Berlin Brain Computer Interface is a video of two people playing pong with a brain interface of some sort. It was posted to YouTube – Broadcast Yourself. by Andreas who has also posted a neat video of a Mixed Reality Interface. Thanks to Alex for this.
24 ways to impress
24 ways to impress your friends is a great set of essays (24 of them, surprise, suprise) on good practices for web design. See for example, Day 19, Putting the World into “World Wide Web”, which is as good an introduction to internationalization as I can find.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Banff, what a place to hold a conference! Would you stay inside to hear papers on Computer Supported Cooperative Work when in Banff?
Thanks to John Bonnet at Brock for this.
iPods and Hearing Loss
iPod’s Popular Earbuds: Hip Or Harmful? is one of a number of articles on hearng loss and iPods. The problem is the length of time people listen to iPods (they last longer than earlier devices like the Walkman), the lack of distortion at the high range (analogue devices would distort at the high end), and the bud-type earphones that further raise the volume. In Europe the iPods are sold with the a lower maximum volume for these reasons. See also Macworld UK – Experts warn of iPod hearing loss.
I’ve found myself listending at almost full volume, especially in noisy situations where I want drown out sound. Hmmm …. What did you say? Speak up.