I am getting 100 spam comments every couple of days so, I am afraid, it is time to start closing down comments. From Matt K’s site I found Cammy’s Software: MT-Close2 and I will use it to shift to a model where recent posts are open and older ones closed. Sorry. Go to my site to figure out my e-mail and send me a note if you want.
The alternative is to upgrade or switch blog engine, but I want to write not fiddle.
Category: Spam
First Spam Conviction
Convicted spammer gets nine years in slammer – Computerworld is a story about “the nation’s first-ever felony spam convictions…” Hurrah!
Continue reading First Spam Conviction
DomainKeys for Spam
DomainKeys is an idea for sender authentication that has legs to help with spam. According to a Slashdot story Google Gmail is signing email with Yahoo’s domainkeys. This is thanks to Matt Patey.
No more comments?
Sorry, I have been hit by too many blog spammers recently. I can get over 150 comments from spammers a day! Even with a comment spam utility these are taking too long to clean out, so ….
I am turning off comments for new entries for a while
A visual history of spam
A visual history of spam (and virus) email charts spam (and virus laden e-mail) since 1997 when the author started collecting all spam (now that takes dedication!) As his/her graph shows spam took off in 2002 – I wonder what happened then?
I’ve been found!
I am writting this letter with due respect and heartful of tears since we have not known or met ourselves previously I am asking for your assistance after I have gone through a profile that speaks good of you.
I’ve been found! I changed e-mail to avoid spam, and it has found me. At least it speaks well of me 🙂
Managing E-Mail
From Vika via Humanist, Managing Incoming E-mail: What Every User Needs to Know is a report by Mark Hurst that gets you thinking about how to deal with the experience of e-mail overload. It ultimately places responsibility with us, the users, not with management to create a solution.
Spam Blocking
So I have added Spam blocking to my blog. At Matt K’s suggestion I had MT-Blacklist installed. (Thanks Lian.)
Lets see if this works. Now I will turn on trackback.
Spam and Bologna Contest
Finally a government that cares about spam. The New York StateConsumer Protection Board announces 1st annual ‘Spam and Bologna’ Contest for outrageous email scams. Launched on April Fool’s day to raise awareness of “advance-fee” scams. The announcement gives examples and a short history. Winner will get nothing!
Spam Research
What do we know about spam?
This report (PDF) is from graduate students at the Helsinki University of Technology on P2P and Spam. The Spam papers are at the end. Great stuff.