From Computing Machinery to Interaction Design is an article by Terry Winograd that appeared in Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing. In it he points out how we have gone from computing as calculation to computing as communication and media.
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Category: Interface Design and Usability
Graffiti Archaeology
graffiti archaeology is a brilliant site done is Flash that allows you to navigate different moments in the sam wall as painted by graffiti artists. It has a nice timeline feature, and a great way of representing the collage of images that make up a wall along with what has changed over time.
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How do we approach skins as a research issue?
The following is from a note I sent Ruth Nichols who is doing her M.Sc. thesis on skins and UI at McMaster.
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Ruth Nichols has written a M.Sc. thesis on skins, “A study into the Useful Application of Skins for Information Filtering” (Computer and Software, McMaster University, 2003). She has brought out an interesting area of user interface design and theory that is connected with the work done on Mods in the gaming community – namely Skins.
She writes that “The original idea of skins was developed by Winamp, an MP3 player build by a small company Nullsoft. Winamp was first released in 1997.” (p. 20) Winamp was officialy released in 1998 and was bought by AOL in 1999. Skinning was added in 1998.
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Affordances and Prospects
Stan Ruecker today successfully defended a thesis on theorizing rich propospect affordances for interpretively-tagged text collections. Two things that are very interesting about the thesis are:
1. He traces the literature on affordances (that show up without a lot of background in UI discussions like Norman) to JJ Gibson and environmental psychology.
2. He proposes prospects (visualizations that have a meaningful representation of all items in a collection) as useful way to interface with medium sized text collections like Orlando.
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Patterns for Web Usability
ACM Ubiquity Review: A Pattern Language for Web Usability. This review is of a book by Ian Graham (not, I think, the Graham of the HTML books) on applying pattern thinking to web usability. The interesting thing is the way patterns are becoming a form of interdisciplinary theorizing.
Spatial-Temporal Navigators
For Globalization we want to be able to search by or view results though maps (geospatial) and timelines (temporal). This is not new. What is the literature on such interfaces?
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Web Essay on Circus
My first attempt at a Web Photo essay can be seen at The Circus: Essay by G. Rockwell.
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