Google Library Scanning

According to a BBC story titled, Google to scan famous libraries (Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2004, BBC News, UK Edition), Google, working with the University of Michigan, will scan selected books from the libraries of Michigan, Stanford, Harvard, Oxford and the New York Public Library. The scanned books will be mostly books out of copyright, and the online pages may have some links to Amazon. The full collection of seven million volumes will take six years to digitize at Michigan.

A quote from the article which quotes John Price Wilkin:

“This is the day the world changes,” said John Wilkin, a University of Michigan librarian working with Google.

“It will be disruptive because some people will worry that this is the beginning of the end of libraries.

“But this is something we have to do to revitalise the profession and make it more meaningful.”

I think the person quoted is John Price-Wilkin, see jpw’s page and SI Affiliates.

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