Next Generation foundation and the Map of Creativity

The Next Generation Foundation has a Flash based site that is interesting both for its design and content. This organization was set up by the CEO of Lego and, for an organization focused on “creativity” has a stiffling “Terms of use” (see the link off the main page.) The foundation focuses on children’s play and creativity. To get a sense of their mission (to sell more toys?) read the bizarre “Manifesto and Call to Action” by Seymour Papert. Here is a quote,

There exists today an unprecedented opportunity for synergy between the goals of parenting and the goals of industrial entrepreneurship, between spiritual concerns about the meaning of life and political concerns about the policies of nations, between the cultivation of the arts and the preparation of young people for the workplace.

One neat feature they have is an interactive Map of Creativity which has a circular interface for navigating projects that recommended as innovative and helping children play.
This came StÈfan’s blog