Two weekends ago I went to Winipeg for the COCH-COSH 2004 conference. One of the most interesting presentations was delivered by an ex-student of mine, Erika Smith and it was about some of the projects of The leads of the project, Gary Kelly and Patricia Demers asked Erika and others to create a presentation where they didn’t speak – it played.
This created a strange situation where we were watching a sophisticated PowerPoint (actually KeyNote) presentation with two people at the front staring at their screen and making sure the audio was right. As Ray Siemens pointed out, it was a bit disconcerting at first, but well enough done to work.
What strikes me about the Streetprint projects is their visual design. We focus so much on underlying architecture we often forget design. They have neat designs (and the Women Writing and Reading Project even lets you choose designs) and matching bookmarks to advertise the projects. Altogether a very classy project.