Kings of Infinite Space

kings.jpg Kings of Infinite Space by James Hynes (St. Martins Press, 2004) is a brilliant book that reminds me of that other Texas surreal, Vernon God Little.
Kings takes place in Lamar Texas (Austin?) where Paul, a failed academic, has ended up as a temp in the TxDoGS (Texas Department of General Services) writing an never-ending RFP. The novel is part academic fiction and part science fiction as TxDoGS turns out to be haunted by homeless men downsized over the years who will do work in return for sacrificial offerings. “Are we not men?” is the call of the pale men in frayed shirts with pens in their pockets.
While computers and technology doesn’t feature prominently in the book, one read of it is that it is about the side effects of technology – the outsourcing, the downsizing of services, and the cruel neocon dystopia that wastes lives.

For a longer review see, Jonathan Yardley (